What YOU Can Do

Everyone counts. Here is a list of things that fit your interests and schedule

Donate to the organization of your choice
Fair Buying: Buy fair-traded products from developing countries and from manufacturers that donate
Fair gifts: make presents of a charitable donation to your friends and family
Fair holiday: make your holidays "socially conscious"
Fair internet: surf and shop - Change slightly your buying and internet habits and make “free donations”
Give in-kind and recycle: Collect unused goods from family friends and colleagues and donate them
Donate your brain - and its creations - to nonprofit sites and projects, to teachers and school kids; publish valuable content on a website, a blog, a wiki
Raise funds for charities: more than your own money...
Volunteer and work: volunteer your skills and your time on the field or remotely, or start a career in the nonprofit

Keep yourself informed and talk about it with your family, friends and colleagues, or campaign about it
Pressure foundations, politicians, companies and wealthy individuals to give more money more wisely, or operate in developing countries and sensitive areas (e.g. biotech) to respect ethics and fairness
Promote social awareness initiatives. Many things can multiply your voice - in little time
Fair Wear: use clothes or use accessories that remind everyone of a just cause
Pressure foundations, politicians, companies and wealthy individuals to give more money more wisely, or operate in developing countries and sensitive areas (e.g. biotech) to respect ethics and fairness and involve more people and the media in doing so with you
Educate: Raise your kids' awareness of important issues and have them participate in meaningful activities such an e-mail "pen pal" program.
Improve the nonprofit world: help professionalize this industry, connect key people with and within nonprofits, search for advice


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